Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix is a wonderful cross for anyone who wants a frisky and kittenish dog that demands very little care, but a lot of attention and affection. There are some rather intriguing facts about this mixed dog breed.
Starring Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix
Claimed to be the best designer hybrid breed, Rat-Cha was first launched in the 1990s.
If you are looking for a designer dog breed with cuteness and playful confidence, then it would be difficult to find a better crossbreed than a Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix, or Rat-Chas or Ratchis. These puppies take good characteristics from their parents and make it all their own.
The Rat Terrier-Chihuahua is a cross between the Rat Terrier and the Chihuahua. It is recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC) and the Designer Dogs Kennel Club (DDKC). As far as the personality traits of Ratchis are concerned, one could act more like a Chi, while the other acts more like a terrier. There are no set-in-stone characteristics. Many designer mixes that have the same breed parentage do not even look alike once they grow up.
The colors of the Rat-Cha can vary from combinations in tricolor, black, or sand-white to markings on the body in tanned colors. Both the parents of Rat-Cha have large, erect ears and an alert expression , projecting their intelligence and awareness of everything going on around them. The ears can again resemble either of the parent breeds, depending on which genes of the parents were favored, but are floppy too.
The Chihuahua Terrier usually has a short coat, but can have a long coat due to the Chihuahua breed. The average estimated weight of the mixed breed is between 12 – 25 pounds, and stands 12 – 18 inches at the shoulder.
Chihuahuas are known to be attentive, charming, curious, and clean. They get extremely attached to those whom they consider family, while they are reserved with others. Rat Terriers are known for their intelligence and affection. They are very friendly, active, and playful. Both dogs are of small stature, but they are very protective and quick to alert you to unfamiliar goings-on around your house.
You can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in the parent breed, when it comes to a mixed breed. These are not true Terriers, but they can inhabit similar personalities. Hence, they can have the Terrier temperament, disbelieving towards strangers and indifferent with other dogs. They have a hard time communicating with large dogs due to their size.
The Rat Terrier can be alarming; it is most likely to bark and let his owners know that someone is at the door. Kids need to stay away from them; this breed is scared of the kids’ hyperactive behavior. Training and socializing play a vital role here, because how you raise this dog breed will determine how he turns out to be. Make them meet new people and other dogs while they are young, for them to get familiar with the experience.
Generally 1 to 4 puppies are born in small clutters. The females often have difficulty whelping. Warmth should be provided to puppies, covered by a towel or blanket. As with all toy breeds, puppies develop very rapidly.
Care and grooming
Rat Terriers are very active dogs, as are Chihuahuas, but you’ll find Chihuahuas happy lying quietly on your lap, whereas the Rat Terrier would want to roam around and play hard. The best way is to find out how your dog wants it to be. These dogs need to be handled with care when picking them up.
The Rat-Cha loves to nestle under the covers with their owners or anything that will keep them warm. They love to sleep in small spaces to feel safe and cozy. They are usually easy to train, but consistent training sessions are advisable. With gentle but firm training and proper care, you will enjoy your dynamic, responsive Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix for many years to come.
Health concerns
Avoid feeding your dog with human food, it can increase his weight. Diabetes is another problem for dogs with Chihuahua bloodlines. Keep your Rat-Cha away from chocolates, which contains theobromine, a toxic chemical to dogs. Also, be careful when you take your dog outdoors; Chihuahuas can fall into a coma if they get too cold, so don’t let them out for too long in the cold weather. Covering them in dog sweaters or some kinda protection would be ideal.
Life expectancy
The average estimated lifespan of a Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix is between 10 – 15 years.
If you are looking for an energetic companion dog and don’t have any young children or other dogs in your home, then a Chihuahua-Rat Terrier Mix will be the best bet. While both breeds that constitute this cross are loving and devoted, the rat-killing nature of the Rat Terrier should be kept in mind around smaller pets. Get your Rat-Cha from a responsible breeder who has all the bloodlines documented. Give your puppy enough opportunities to meet and get comfy with other dogs and humans.