Vitamin E for dogs helps by maintaining a healthy coat, strengthing the immune system as well as reduce the risk of cataracts. The following DogAppy article discusses more on the benefits and dosage of vitamin E for dogs.
Did You Know?
Feeding your canine buddy a diet that meets her nutritional needs is the most advantageous thing you can do for your dog’s long term health. Because of its tremendous impact on a dog’s health, Vitamin E has garnered a lot of attention. This powerhouse antioxidant scavenges on free radicals protecting and supporting the immune system. This helps your dog fight infection, disease and remain healthy.
A Word About Dog Chow
Feeding your dog high-quality scientifically formulated food containing the necessary levels of nutrients and proteins will give your dog all it needs for a healthy life; therefore, supplementing with vitamin E is unwarranted. These foods should include the use of exceptional ingredient quality and practice a level of safety beyond the standard. See here to educate yourself further on premium-quality dog food. Check that the brand you choose has been evaluated by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).
Excess levels of vitamin E in your dog’s diet can cause nausea and vomiting. Supplementing your dog’s diet with vitamin E is a decision best made by the careful consideration of your vet.
Promotes a Lustrous Coat
Insufficient vitamin E in your dog’s diet can make your pet vulnerable to a wide range of skin problems. Dry skin, flea allergy dermatitis, skin lesions, dandruff, rashes, and skin infections to name a few. Vitamin E is a rockstar anti-inflammatory nutrient. Switching to a high-quality diet your pet’s dull coat will become healthy, shiny, and glossy.
Good for Eyes and Heart
Adequate vitamin E reduces the chance of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin E has a vasodilatory effect that helps blood circulates properly through vessels.
Vitamin E Dosage
If your veterinarian determines that your dog would benefit from supplements, the dosage will depend on the results from the blood test along with your buddy’s size, age, and weight.
Topical Vitamin E Oil for Dogs
- Treat ear infections in dogs with vitamin E oil. Puncture the vitamin E capsule. Apply a drop of the oil into the infected ear to help alleviate pain and inflammation. Only apply to the ear flap and stay away from the ear canal.
- Use Vitamin E oil to soothe superficial sores such as bug bites or elbow callouses.
- Its cellular regeneration properties aids in the healing of damaged skin. Therefore, to help relieve dry, flaky or itchy patches gently work a few drops of oil into the area two times daily for 2 to 5 weeks until you see improvement.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. This is NOT intended to be a substitute for the advice of a veterinarian.