Nothing can be more frustrating than seeing your well-trained puppy defecating again in the places where it is taught not to. This article provides some simple solutions for potty training regression that will help you as well as your pet.
Many dog owners face the problem of potty training regression in their dogs. Regression means the dog begins to urinate and defecate in prohibited areas like the house. Although this is bothersome especially after your pet has gone through the entire potty training process as a pup. It is quite common however and can be corrected with a bit of patience and some training methods. There is not much cause to worry because it does not mean that you have to potty train your dog from scratch.
Puppy Potty Training Regression
The following are some effective potty training regression techniques:
- The best way to avoid regression is to train your pet as early as possible. Generally, the ideal potty training age for a puppy is 8 weeks. However, if you have developed a nice bond with your pup, you can start training even earlier.
- The next step is to prepare a training schedule, in which you feed your pet at the same time every day so that you can keep a track of its defecating and urinating time and frequency. This helps you anticipate 15 – 20 minutes before the expected time in order to take it outside.
- In case the dog has an ‘accident’ before you get it outside, note down how much time has passed and next time, take it out sooner. Try feeding your pet at least 2 hours before you go to bed so that you will have enough time to take it outside to go potty. Set your dog up for success and take it outside before you go to bed so no accidents occur inside.
- Training pads can be extremely useful during the potty training regression period. Before the anticipated time, you can place the dog on them. These pads are easy to clean and absorb no liquid. Initially, the dog can be a little reluctant to go but be patient and it will happen.
- Crating your dog is another option. The crate acts as a den where the puppy can hang out or sleep. Another area you can create acts as a containment play area. Here your puppy has the freedom to safely meander about and make a potty mistake without consequences. Containment areas can be made with puppy pens that surround or attach to the crate.
During the regression period, never punish your dog. Even if it relieves itself in the house, don’t panic or lose your temper, simply put your dog on a leash and take it out to its GO place and say “go potty”. This will remind the dog that the house isn’t the correct place to go, and it will eventually learn to potty outside the house. once your dog goes be consistent and it with treats and praise. However, even after a few months, if you still experience these problems, then consult a vet as the condition could be related to some other health problem.
An easy tip: Leash that pup when it’s time to go potty
Keep your puppy on a leash, walk to a designated GO spot, stand there until they relieve themselves. When they do praise them “Good Buddy!” give them a treat and then let them roam free in the yard. Jackpot! Getting freedom is a great positive reinforcer and so is a snack. With practice, a puppy starts to understand that they get to romp around and get a treat after they’ve pottied.