Eskimo Huskies are extremely beautiful companion dogs. In this article, DogAppy picks out some of the most popular names that go with their lovely personality, for you to choose from.
Our Picks
Oscar, Sparky, Blazer, Max, Lady, Bruno, Cassie, Eska, Daisy, Neo, Stella, Wolf.
The Eskimo Husky is a small- to medium-sized, Nordic-type dog, which is very well-known for its jet white coat. It is a member of the Spitz family, “Eskie”, which is a descendant of the European Spites. Eskimo Huskies are known to be very friendly, alert, as well as intelligent. They are quick learners and will benefit greatly from reward-based positive training methods, lots of exercises and mental engagement.
They are very easy to train due to their willingness to please their owner. The breed would often be seen as a part of various dog acts in the 19th century, in America.
Contrary to their name, these dogs are nowhere related to Eskimos. If you recently brought a puppy home, we know that picking out the perfect name is all you can think of. Well, worry not! Here are some of the best names along with their meaning, that you can choose from.
Thinking of rescuing an Eskie??? Awesome! Check out this Eskimo Husky rescue!
You can also search the web for Eskies that might in shelters near you!
Abby | Father’s joy |
Ada | Noble, kind, prosperous, and joyful |
Aiyana | Eternal blossom |
Akiak | Brave |
Akira | Intelligent |
Alaska | Great land |
Alice | Kind and noble |
Alpha | First one; First letter of the Greek alphabet |
Alpine | Snow-covered, similar to a Husky’s fur |
Amaguq | Wolf |
Amani | Desires |
Anachim | Lake |
Aneko | Older sister |
Angel | Messenger |
Anna | Grace |
Annie | Grace |
Anouk | French for the name “Anna” |
Anu | Grace |
Anubis | God of the dead |
Apache | A respected yet hated fierce warrior |
Archer | Bowman |
Archie | Valuable, bold |
Arctic | Cool, composed, and calm |
Ari | Lion |
Aron | Mountain |
Asha | Hope |
Asia | The east |
Aspen | Aspen tree |
Astra | Star |
Ataneq | King |
Aurora | Dawn |
Avalanche | A mass of snow |
Babushka | A term for endearment |
Baby | Baby |
Bailey | Bailiff |
Balto | Famous dog name from the movie “Balto” |
Bandit | An outlaw or robber |
Baron | A low-ranking nobleman |
Bear | The animal |
Beau | Handsome |
Bella | Beautiful, loving, graceful |
Ben | Son |
Blade | Wealthy Glory |
Blaze | Stuttering |
Blazer | Like a trail blazer |
Blizzard | Violent snowstorm |
Blue | Color |
Bobby | Bright fame |
Boris | Battle, fight |
Brandy | Burning wine |
Brook | A brook, stream |
Bruno | Armor |
Buddy | Herald |
Buster | One that breaks up something |
Caesar | Long hair |
Cain | A spear |
Cari | Free man |
Casey | From Cayce |
Cassie | Unheeded prophetess |
Chaos | Gaping void |
Charlie | Free man |
Chava | Life |
Chena | Name of a River |
Cheveyo | Hopi mythological monster |
Cheyenne | Speak incoherently |
Chibukak | Cape |
Chinook | A moist, warm wind experienced on the Pacific Northwest coast of the USA |
Chitnak | Cape |
Chloe | Means |
Chugach | Chugach Mountain |
Chugiak | Mountain in Alaska |
Chyna | Based on “China” |
Cikuq | Ice |
Cleo | Child of a well-known father |
Cloud | Cloud |
Coco | A common pet name |
Cody | Descendant of Cuidighthigh |
Colville | River |
Comet | A celestial body |
Cookie | A small flat, crisp cake |
Copper | A reddish-brown metal |
Crimson | A color (resembling color of blood) |
Cupun | Coal |
Daisy | A flower |
Dakota | Friends, allies |
Delilah | Desires |
Delta | Fourth letter of the Greek alphabet |
Damien | To tame |
Demonte | Of the mountain |
Denali | The great one |
Desna | Boss |
Demon | One of the Husky dog names from the movie “Snow Dogs” |
Deniigi | Moose |
Diamond | Precious gemstone |
Dixie | Strong power |
Duke | Duke |
Dyani | Deer |
Echo | Repetition of sound |
Electra | Shining |
Eli | Ascend |
Emma | All-containing |
Eska | A creek in Alaska |
Eskimo | People in Alaska |
Eskobar | The spoiled one |
Ezra | Aid |
Frontier | Brings everyone together |
Frosty | Covered with white frost |
Felix | Happy |
Flash | To move rapidly |
Flora | Flower |
Gage | Measurer |
Ghost | A haunting spirit or memory; One who moves noiselessly |
Gideon | Hewer |
Ginger | Spring-like |
Gizmo | A mechanical device or gadget |
Glacier | A huge mass of ice moving slowly |
Goldie | Having the color of gold |
Grace | Good will |
Gracie | Good will |
Granite | Tough |
Gretta | Pearl |
Grizzly | A species of brown bear |
Gus | From Gustave, Staff of the Goths |
Gypsy | Egyptian |
Hachi | Wise leaf |
Hali | Hay clearing or hay woods |
Hawk | A bird |
Honey | Honey |
Hunter | One who searches for something |
Hurricane | A severe tropical cyclone |
Igloo | Dome-shaped Eskimo house |
Igor | Warrior archer |
Indiana | Land of Indians |
Ivan | A Russian form of John |
Jack | Medieval diminutive of John |
Jade | Precious green stone |
Jagger | Pedlar |
Jake | Popular |
Java | Brewed coffee |
Jenna | White |
Jesse | Gift |
Jester | A fool at medieval courts |
Jetson | Also “Jet” or “Jett” |
Jett | Black gemstone |
Jinx | Magic charm |
Jonathan | A Siberian Husky that serves as the University of Connecticut’s mascot, named after the state’s first Governor |
Juno | Also “Juneau,” the capital of Alaska |
Kami | Altar server |
Kaskae | Chief |
Kasper | Treasurer |
Katie | Pure |
Kato | Pure |
Kavik | Wolverine |
Kaya | Wise beyond their years |
Kaydence | Rhythm |
Kayuh | Mountain |
Kazu | Peaceful |
Keanu | Cool breeze over mountains |
Keesha | Healthy and spiritual |
Keiko | Blessed child |
Keira | Dark |
Kenya | The country |
Kevin | Beautiful at birth |
Kimba | English place-name |
Kinguyakkii | Northern lights |
Kira | Dark |
Kishi | Beach, seashore |
Kiska | Pure |
Kita | North |
Kiya | Egyptian mythology |
Kodiak | Island |
Kody | Descendant of Cuidighthigh |
Kremlin | Turkish for “fortress”; Tough and strong |
Kukuliak | Cape |
Lady | A lady |
Laika | First dog to orbit the earth |
Leah | Weary |
Lexis | Defender |
Lily | A flower |
Logan | Hollow |
Lola | Sorrows |
Lonestar | Superior skills with terrible luck |
Lucky | Fortunate |
Lucy | Light |
Luigi | Fame |
Luka | Man from Lucania |
Luna | Moon |
Lupe | Valley of the wolves |
Maggie | Pearl |
Maguyuk | Howler |
Malakai | Messenger of God |
Maple | A tree |
Mara | Bitter |
Mariska | Uncertain |
Marlee | Contraction of Maria Magdalene |
Maverick | Dissenter |
Maya | Divine creature force |
Max | One of the Husky dog names from the movie “Eight Below” |
Mia | Uncertain, may be bitter |
Mickey | One who is like God |
Midnight | In the middle of the night |
Mika | Beautiful smell |
Miki | Little |
Mina | Will, desire |
Missy | Bee |
Misty | Misty |
Mitsu | Bear |
Molly | Uncertain, may be bitter |
Moose | Largest member of the deer family |
Murphy | Sea warrior |
Mya | Variant of Maya |
Nadia | Hope |
Nala | Loved |
Nanook | Cute, kind |
Natalie | Born at Christmas time |
Nanuk | Polar bear |
Navi | To name |
Neo | New |
Nero | Stern |
Nikita | Unconquered, unconquerable |
Nikki | Victory of the people |
Nilak | Chipped ice |
Nini | Porcupine |
Nomad | A wanderer. |
Nova | A star that suddenly becomes very bright |
Nuka | Bay |
Nuti | Saltwater |
Oakley | From the oak meadow |
Onyx | A gemstone with bands of different colors |
Oscar | Divine spear |
Pakak | One that gets into everything |
Pamela | Honeysweet |
Pamela | Made from honey |
Pamiiruq | One that wags his tail |
Pamplona | Rock |
Panik | Daughter |
Pasha | Passover |
Patrick | Patrician |
Pax | Peace |
Penny | Weaver |
Pepper | Pepper |
Phoebe | Bright |
Phoenix | Phoenix |
Pluto | Wealth, riches |
Porcupine | River |
Precious | Loved |
Prince | Royal son |
Pukiq | Smart |
Pukulria | Bone-chewer |
Punuk | Island |
Qannik | Snowflake |
Qimmig | Dog |
Qimugkauyar | Puppy |
Qimugta | Dog |
Qimutki | Puller |
Quake | Hyper |
Raven | Raven |
Reba | To tie |
Rebel | One that resists authority |
Ren | Water lily |
Riley | Rye clearing |
Ringo | Peace be with you |
River | Free-spirited |
Rocky | Battle cry |
Rose | Rose |
Rosie | Rose |
Roxy | Brilliant dawn |
Ruby | Red |
Rudy | From “Rudolph” |
Rufus | Red |
Rusty | Rusty, full of rust |
Scooter | One who vanishes suddenly and speedily |
Serena | Tranquil or serene |
Saba | Old or aged |
Sable | Sable (black) |
Sadie | Princess |
Sakari | Sweet, lovely |
Sakura | Cherry blossom |
Sam | God |
Sammy | God |
Sampson | Loved and adored by everyone |
Samson | Sun |
Sandy | Defending men |
Saghani | Raven |
Sapphire | Beautiful jewel |
Sasha | Helpmate |
Sassy | Lively and spirited |
Scout | Observer |
Serena | Composed |
Sesi | Snow |
Shadow | Shadow |
Shasta | Name of a Native American tribe |
Sheba | Daughter of an oath |
Shelby | A place where willows grow |
Shiva | Auspicious |
Sid | Wide meadow |
Sierra | A range of mountains |
Silver | A lustrous white metallic element used in jewelry, tableware and coins |
Simba | Lion |
Sky | The expanse of air over the Earth |
Skye | Cloud |
Slade | Valley |
Sloan | Fighter |
Smokey | A color |
Snowy | Covered with snow |
Sonya | Bright and intelligent |
Sophie | Wisdom |
Sparky | Animated, lively |
Spirit | Part of the human being associated with the mind; vigorous or animated state (spirited) |
Star | Star |
Stella | Star |
Storm | Uncontrollable |
Stormy | Violent weather |
Sugar | A sweet powder from sugarcane; slang for sweetheart |
Suka | Fast |
Suki | To like |
Tahoe | Denali also comes to mind |
Talon | A claw |
Tanana | Hills |
Tank | A large metal container; a heavily armed combat vehicle |
Tara | Crag |
Tasha | (Christ’s) birthday |
Teddy | Gift of God |
Tegan | Beautiful |
Teo | Gift of God |
Terra | Earth |
Teva | Nature |
Tia | Princess or Crowned One |
Tiger | Tiger |
Timber | Wood used as a building material; timber-wolf |
Titan | Powerful big man |
Titus | Of the Giants |
Toby | God is good |
Todd | Fox |
Togo | Famous Alaskan sled dog |
Tucker | Someone who folds cloth |
Tundra | Very popular among Husky dog names |
Tupit | Tattoo lines on face |
Tylor | Tile maker |
Ulf | Protector of the inheritance |
Ulva | Wolf |
Vicki | Short for Victoria, which means victorious or conqueror |
Videl | Life |
Walter | Ruler of the army |
Weather | Unpredictable, just like forecasts on incoming weather |
Whisper | Something spoken very softly |
Wiley | Trapper or hunter |
Willow | A deciduous tree with narrow leaves |
Winston | Joy stone |
Winter | Perfect name for a dog with snow-white fur |
Wolf | Wolf |
Yakone | Red aurora |
Yaktag | Cape |
Yana | God is gracious |
Yoshi | Righteous |
Yukon | River |
Yuralria | Dancing |
Zala | Very feminine name for a dog |
Zaria | Sweet, shy, and behaved; enjoys just quietly lying around |
Zodiac | In astronomy, the path that represents the planets, Moon and Sun |
Zain | Variant of John |
Zelda | Gray warrior |
Zephyr | West wind |
Zeus | Greek God |
Zia | Splendor, light |
Zoe | Life |
Zoey | Life |
Zorro | Fox in Spanish |
Zuri | My rock |
You can also name the dog after someone you adore, or someone who has inspired you. Make sure that you choose a name that will best suit your dog’s personality. So, go ahead and pick the best one.