Thinking About Getting a Puppy?
Are you ready to get a puppy? They’re so cute and fluffy! Look at that face! So hard to resist. The kids have been begging for months. Things it’s time? Getting a new puppy can be one of the most exciting times. Are you ready to do all of the training and socialization that you need to? There are lots of things to take into consideration when making the decision to bring a new pup into your life. Do you have the time and energy it takes? Are you prepared for sleepless nights? Puppies require a lot of attention and training.
Think long and hard. Puppies are great but they are not easy. Most people that get puppies are completely unprepared mentally. Yes, puppies are cute and fluffy but they also whine, cry, pee and poop. They are born knowing nothing. They have been alive for 8 weeks or so and know nothing other than the warmth and smells of their mom and siblings. In a moment, they get whisked away from all that they know and that night put in a crate alone in the dark. They keep you up at night. You go days without sleep. They keep peeing and pooping in the house. When will it end!?
Yes. Puppies are great but they are also difficult. The most important thing that you can do when considering a puppy is to be prepared and have realistic expectations. Every single client that I have that has just gotten a puppy is overwhelmed with the things that all puppies do. Every. Single. One.
So – Be prepared for pee, poop, whining, crying, biting, nipping and jumping. All puppies do these things. All. Of. Them. Also-be prepared for taking care of your puppy all by yourself. Yes, the kids begged and pleaded and promised to help with walking and feeding. Two weeks later after pups has been biting them and peeing on the floor, they are over it and now it’s all on you.
I’m certainly not saying these things to talk you out of getting a puppy. Puppies are also wonderful! You will fall in love with your puppy. Puppies can make your life so much richer. They make you laugh and bring joy.
So, once you have made your decision and you decide you are ready, the next step is deciding what kind of puppy do you want? Make sure you really think about the different breeds out there and how they will fit into your lifestyle. Are you active and want an active dog? Maybe you prefer hanging at home and watching television. Do you have children? Do you want a big dog or small? Are you willing to have your puppy groomed regularly or do you want a low maintenance dog? Consider all of these things before looking. Find the right dog for you.
Next you need to figure out where you will get your puppy. If you are getting a dog from a breeder, do your research! Many breeders on the internet are backyard breeders or puppy mills. You really want to make sure your puppy isn’t coming from anything other than a responsible breeder. Ask questions. Go see the place and meet the mom and dad. Any responsible breeder will let you do this. If your breeder doesn’t, you may want to look elsewhere. Rescues and shelters are a wonderful place to get your puppy. And if you are looking for a specific breed, there are many rescues that are breed specific. Most of the time the cost of a rescue dog includes some vet services like vaccines and spay and neuters.
Okay, so the decision is made. You’ve found a responsible breeder or have been looking at your local shelter and think you have found the dog for you. What’s next?
Stay tuned for round two where we discuss the importance of early socialization and how to make that happen.